Monday, July 2, 2012


So this, year, I'm trying something new. For any of you Book Slammers out there who crave something different, something more creative, and a way to earn some extra points, I introduce CHALLENGES.

These are optional and can be completed in any order, at any time; you do not have to tell me you are doing a challenge, just email the completed challenge to once you're done.

The challenges are more or less pass/fail--if you do what the challenge asks, you'll get the full credit (10 points for each challenge). If you don't follow the directions or it looks like you need to put some more effort in, I'll let you know.

Scroll down to see the challenges.  I hope you enjoy the chance to do something a little different with the Book Slam books this year; I really enjoyed creating the challenges and can't wait to see what you all come up with to amaze me!

Happy reading! :)


Anonymous said...

Do i send you an email to register? I'm still a little confused.


Vikki said...

Yes! Send your nickname, age and the library you visit the most to and as soon as I receive that, you'll be registered.